區分戰斧牛排、OP 肋排和肋眼牛排的最簡單方法是通過骨頭的存在——戰斧肋眼牛排和 OP 肋排都在骨頭上,而肋眼牛排則沒有。雖然您可以在烤架上同時烹製兩塊肉,但戰斧肋眼牛排和 OP 肋骨牛排需要反向燒烤。為了扭轉燒焦,戰斧牛排和 OP 肋骨牛排在烤架/煙熏爐上以較低的溫度烹製,同時肉的溫度慢慢升高。使用肉類溫度計測試內部溫度,將牛排從烤架中取出,距離所需的熟度約 10-15 度。然後將烤架調高或預熱鑄鐵鍋。將牛排放回冒煙的熱烤架或平底鍋中,並在每一面迅速烤焦,以獲得完美的焦化效果。
Tomahawk 和 OP Ribs 牛排比 Ribeye 牛排需要更長的時間來烹飪,因為骨頭可以作為絕緣體。它們在味道上味道相同,但由於戰斧牛排和 OP 肋骨牛排比肋眼牛排煮得慢,所以它可能更榨汁(如果在烤架上多烤 1-2 分鐘)。
Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week.
Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office.
We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.
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Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week. Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office. We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.