Last updated on 10月 02, 2024

如何準備 BBQ 熏黑 Huon 三文魚(整條魚片)?

由 Aussie Meat
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澳大利亞優質 HUON 帶皮全魚片 | 3% 折扣

準備時間: 15 分鐘/烹飪時間:20 分鐘/份量:4 份


1 x 澳大利亞優質 HUON 帶皮全魚片 | 3% 折扣
2 湯匙特級初榨橄欖油
1.5 湯匙發黑調味料
4 半烤檸檬


1. 預熱烤架:準備直接烤的烤架,或者熱源直接在三文魚下面。目標 425 華氏度作為烹飪室的內部溫度。
2. 調味三文魚:將橄欖油塗抹在三文魚的兩面,並將調味料充分塗抹在肉麵。
3. 燒烤三文魚:將帶皮的一面朝上的三文魚直接加熱。蓋上蓋子,等待六分鐘。你知道它已經準備好翻轉了,因為鮭魚很容易離開或不粘在烤架上。這就是大抹刀很好的原因,因為您可以輕輕地開始翻轉它,如果它仍然粘在上面,那麼您再等一分鐘,直到您可以輕鬆地將抹刀放在肉麵下方進行翻轉。
4. 翻轉:翻轉至帶皮的一面朝下,蓋上蓋子繼續直接加熱燒烤。 4 分鐘後,開始用好的溫度計檢查鮭魚片的溫度。當三文魚最厚處的溫度計讀數為 135 華氏度時,三文魚就熟了。
5. 烤檸檬:在烹調三文魚的同時,將檸檬肉麵朝下烤約 6 分鐘,或直到出現烤痕。上鮭魚時取出並放在一邊使用。一定要把鮭魚煮到華氏 135 度。
6. 與你最喜歡的配菜一起上桌,淋上一點烤檸檬。

BBQ 熏黑 Huon 三文魚(整條魚片)食譜






  • 1 whole salmon fillets (half fish)
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 ½ tablespoons blackening seasoning
  • 4 halves grilled lemon


  1. Preheat Grill: Prepare the grill for direct grilling, or for the heat source to be directly under the salmon. Target 425 degrees Fahrenheit as the internal temperature of the cooking chamber.
  2. Season Salmon: Apply the olive oil to BOTH sides of the salmon and liberally apply the seasoning to the flesh side.
  3. Grill Salmon: Place the salmon, skin side UP, over direct heat. Close the lid and wait six minutes. You know it’s ready to flip because the salmon will easily lift away, or not stick to, the grill. This is why the large spatula is nice because you can gently start to flip it, and if it’s still sticking, then you wait another minute until you can easily place the spatula under the flesh side to flip.
  4. Flip: Flip to skin side down, and continue grilling over direct heat with the lid closed. After 4 minutes, begin checking the temperature of the salmon filet with a good thermometer. The salmon is done when it reads 135 degrees Fahrenheit on the thermometer in the thickest part of the salmon.
  5. Grill Lemon: While the salmon is cooking, grill lemons, flesh side down, for about 6 minutes, or until grill marks appear. Remove and set aside to use while serving the salmon. Just be sure to cook your salmon to 135 degrees F.
  6. Serve with your favourite sides and douse with a splash of the grilled lemon.

Aussie Meat
Aussie Meat


Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week. Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office. We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.