5月 14, 2024

如何準備薑蔥椒絲蒸鱸魚? 😍😍🌈🌈

由 Aussie Meat
Aussie Meat Recipe | Sea Bass | Ginger | Chilli | Spring Onion



準備時間:10 分鐘 烹調時間:15 分鐘 供食用:4


  • 4 片鱸魚柳(每片約 250 克)
  • 4 湯匙新鮮生薑,切絲
  • 2 隻紅辣椒,切薄片
  • 3 條蔥,切成長條
  • 4 湯匙生抽
  • 2 湯匙香油
  • 2 湯匙紹興酒或乾雪莉酒
  • 1 茶匙糖
  • 新鮮芫茜,用於點綴


  1. 用冷水沖洗魚柳,然後用紙巾拍乾在魚皮一面斜切幾刀,幫助魚肉均勻烹調

  1. 將魚放在適合蒸的耐熱盤中

  1. 將切成細絲的薑片、辣椒片和蔥條撒在魚

  1. 在一個小碗中,混合生抽、芝麻油、紹興酒(或乾雪莉酒)和糖將混合物均勻地澆在魚上

  1. 準備好蒸鍋,在炒鍋或大鍋中加水並煮沸

  1. 小心地將裝有魚的盤子放入蒸,蓋上蓋子

  1. 用大火將鱸魚蒸約 12-15 分鐘,直到魚肉熟透,用叉子輕輕一劃即可

  1. 熟透後,小心地將盤子從蒸中取出

  1. 用新鮮芫茜裝飾蒸鱸魚

  1. 將薑蔥椒絲蒸鱸魚與蒸飯一起享用

PS: Check out⚡⚡FLASH SALE! ⚡


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Aussie Meat
Aussie Meat


Aussie Meat is The Australian Meat Brand. We deliver Michelin Star-quality Meat, Ocean-catch Seafood, Wine and BBQ Grills across Hong Kong, 5 days per week. Owned and operated by Australians, we deliver finest quality meat which is grass fed, organic, naturally farmed, hormone and antibiotic free meat and ocean-catch seafood from Australian, New Zealand and global farmers jet fresh to your home or office. We understand the value in giving back, our Eat For Charity Program #eat4charityhk donates 5% of our profits towards HK charities.